Keven Furiya

Keven Furiya

paintings, drawings, watercolors


Urban Textures

Most recent works.
I am fascinated by the urban everyday, the beauty of spots and surfaces we often pass yet usually scorn. To me these lines and colors, mutations and contradictions, have an equilibrium all their own. Often, in their balance of poise and fatigue, I find an incarnation of our transience.
Although such ephemeral scenes surround us all, we are easily blinded to them by life's distractions. This project is a personal chronicle of their character. But it is also my attempt to show how, if we only pause to look, we discover time's fundamental dignity.

Urban Textures

Most recent works.
I am fascinated by the urban everyday, the beauty of spots and surfaces we often pass yet usually scorn. To me these lines and colors, mutations and contradictions, have an equilibrium all their own. Often, in their balance of poise and fatigue, I find an incarnation of our transience.
Although such ephemeral scenes surround us all, we are easily blinded to them by life's distractions. This project is a personal chronicle of their character. But it is also my attempt to show how, if we only pause to look, we discover time's fundamental dignity.


All portraits painted from life most of which were done alla prima (in one sitting).


All portraits painted from life most of which were done alla prima (in one sitting).

Portrait Drawings

These were done from life and in one sitting between 20 minutes to 3 hours.

Portrait Drawings

These were done from life and in one sitting between 20 minutes to 3 hours.